The STEM Makers

Mathematical Visualization

Why Mathematical Visualization?

How does the line y = mx + c locate in the coordinate space for different values of m, c? How does the circle equation (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2 move in the coordinate space with varying h,k,r? We explore these and other mathematical equations to understand how different first order and higher order equations respond to changing parameters.

Why Mathematical Visualization for kids ?

Visualizing an equation and how it varies when the parameters are changed, help kids better at understanding the equation and eventually they can imagine the behaviour of the equation under given parameters in their head. While working on engineering design, this ability to imagine the behaviour of different mathematical constructs helps them put many equations together like in a jigsaw puzzle.

The Stem Makers Offers Mathematical Vizualisation Course.

This course is for kids aged 12+ yrs and above. it is one hour class thrice a week. course start on 20th May

Topics Covered in Mathematical Vizualisation course

1Tuesday What are mathematical equations, types of mathematical equations, range , domain 
2Thursday Introduction to Line equations, coordinate axis, polar axis, and desmos features. 
3Saturday Triangles 
4Tuesday Quadrilaterals 
5Thursday Pentagon, Octagon etc 
6Saturday 3 dimensional objects like cube, cuboid , pyramid etc 
7Tuesday All four lines of a square in single equation 
8Thursday y = x, |x|, x2, x3 ,|x3|, w,w/o scaling, intercept 
9Saturday Circle. Params – center, radius 
10Tuesday Elipse. Params – center, long axis, short axis 
11Thursday Parabola 
12Saturday Hyperbola 
13Tuesday Transformations 
14Thursday Parametric Equations, line, circle, logarithmic spiral 
15Saturday Fun activity – Circle in a circle, circle along a line 
16Tuesday Trigonometric functions. Params – amplitude, frequency, phase. Chirp signals 
17Thursday Student design 
18Saturday Student design 
  ex, e-x, 1/ex, 1/e-x, sigmoid, other exponential functions 
  Higher order equations. Effect of scaling and intercept 

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