The STEM Makers

The education curriculum 

STEM lessons and resources revolve around science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but why are these core skills key to the future generation? In this article, we’re going to reveal 3 key reasons why a STEM curriculum is the key to machine learning knowledge and problem-solving skills.

1. Empower the Future Generation

‘Biologically driven neurological processes and natural curiosity of how the world works make early childhood an optimal time to introduce children to scientific inquiry’ – Jennifer Buchter, UNLV Development Specialist. Childhood is the prime time to spark imagination, build problem-solving skills and share our knowledge of the world.

It is our responsibility to empower children and inspire them to study the skills they’ll need to pursue future careers and industries that are only just emerging. By shaking up the way we approach education and start adjusting it for the future, we can better equip the future generation. Technology is rapidly changing and any company or educational facilities needs to keep up with this evolution of coding, machine learning, and AI, in order to offer high-quality lessons and courses. This is our current mission at RoboThink. We aim to inspire children to develop their skills and knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and maths so that they have a strong foundation to build up their awareness of the digital-first world.

2. Make Problem-Solving Second Nature

A lot of machine learning is actually formed on the basis of problem-solving. A machine will be given a set of instructions first and then required to absorb and learn from data and experiences to eventually problem-solve themselves. This is why helping children develop problem-solving skills is so essential for the future. Not only will it help young learners who want to design and build robots and machines, but it also allows the mind to predict problems and think outside the box when it comes to solutions. A key life-skill but also essential for future engineers and scientists.

3. STEM Nurtures Young Minds

STEM can take more time to teach but the return on investment is so worth it! STEM lessons are based on real-world problems, such as the environment, science or engineering issues. By introducing children to the practical application of scientific methods, mathematical equations, and technological solutions, the need to learn is reinforced. When children appreciate that these skills will be needed so that they can achieve and progress in life, lessons can become more engaging, exciting, and inspirational.

STEM curriculum will help your child develop;

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Arithmetic skills
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity about the world
  • Decision-making skills
  • Leadership qualities
  • Entrepreneurship

At , we are proud to announce that we are paving the way forward for STEM education that involves coding, robotics, and engineering across 11 countries. We support, nurture and teach thousands of students every day. Enhance your child’s future through STEM lessons today.

Unlock your child’s potential by enrolling in a STEM course near you! Alternatively, we also offer online STEM classes to bring problem-solving and STEM programs specially designed for young learners to your home.


New age kids need new ways of learning.

The importance of STEM

As the world grows increasingly complex, the need for individuals equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle tough problems by gathering information, evaluating it, and presenting effective solutions continues to increase. Still, relatively few students are proficient in the core subjects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and even fewer express interest in pursuing these fields beyond high school. Increasingly, educators and students alike seek hands-on, sustainable, and cost-effective approaches to help engage young people and maintain their interest in STEM through elementary school, middle school, high school, and beyond.

Concept Note on IPL (Innovative Programmers and Learners) – Kids

The modus operandi and challenges to the current education system and of which many of us are

products of, are

 Rote learning with little emphasis on covering the application of the concept or context of


 Evaluation methods measuring memory but not understanding and participation,

 Differential significance and preference to subjects,

 One method fits all pedagogy – Teacher delivers, student absorbs pedagogy with little

participation from the students

A conscious questioning of what is the purpose of what i am learning started for me during

my B.Tech more than 20 years ago. A few teachers over the course of my own educational journey

(important to note the difference between the terms learning and education) with their different

approaches to teaching helped developed interest for their subjects and demonstrated that learning

can be exciting and fun, not drab and dull always. During my Master’s at URI and at IITM for

research, I had a chance to explore schools following child centric education and participate in

/engage with hands on learning based after school STEM programs for school kids. Significant

examples which I had a chance to visit, learn from and be part of are

1. “StemLand” program being run for 7th,8th,9th class students at Udavi School Edayanchavadi by

Dr. Sanjeev Ranganathan under the aegis of SAIIER.

2. Science and Math Investigative Learning Experience (SMILE) program at University of Rhode


3.Ek Asha trust, Bhubaneswar which focuses on experiential learning by encouraging

inquisitiveness and experimentation with the aim of inculcating seeking as a way of life

4. Agastya Foundation with aah!, aha! and ha – ha! defining its mission, works on sparking and

retaining curiosity of the children, nurturing creativity, ensuring children enjoy the process of

learning and gain confidence in their abilities, using hands on activities and projects.

Innovative kids is an initiative by Mr. Shivaram K R, CEO Curl Tech, which evolved out of

engaging his son aged 8 years during the pandemic which expanded to friends and relatives kids as

it progressed. Some description of the games developed by kids there are at these links(1 , 2).

IPL (Innovative Programmers and Learners) kids is an attempt to replicate Innovative kids

by Mr. Shivaram K R amongst kids of my friends and relatives in the age group 7-12. It shall be a

year long, once a week 1 1/2 to 2 hour session, either on saturdays or sundays (based on everyone’s

availability) limited to a batch size of 10.

Each session based on cognitive pedagogy model shall be designed to fulfill the 3 principles.

1. Nothing is outside syllabus

2. Inculcating open/growth mindset, learning being adaptive

3. Learning to work in ambiguity

What attracts kids to gaming or videos is the reward system they get when ever they clear

each level in a game. Each session from the second month onwards will have activities the

outcomes of which form the intrinsic reward, motivating the kids to participate further. Kids learn

autonomy, mastery and purpose in the process. Also the emphasis will be on inculcating cooperative

learning than competition, which will be essential in the interdisciplinary workplaces of tomorrow

where no single person can be expected to know everything. Once in a while we will have other

technology experts join in and lead the sessions to speak about their work.

In addition to using google to explore answers and more to questions that come up on a day

to day basis, the sessions will be using resources from, MathCircles,

ScienceNewsforStudents, Isaac Asimov “How to series” books, tools like google sketch up, nero

board,, vscode as Python IDE, SageMath, Blender.

Ms. Asha is a professionally trained engineer, with about 20+ years of experience in software/hardware development, machine learning. Her passion for Robotics, Software Programming and working with young minds made her setup The Stem Maker Labs in Poranki, Vijayawada. She has been instrumental in setting up STEM Labs in Aravinda School, KCP Adarsh Siddhartha and Heal Paradise School, Vijayawada. She also successfully trained 1000s of students and teachers in Robotics over the last three years.

The Stem Makers Lab run by Ms Asha Kranthi is the best place for learning python programming and Robotics for kids in the age group 7 to 15 yrs.

We strongly believe in the concept of learning by doing.

We provide structured learning programs in Robotics and Programming every month and during summer too. Simultaneously we aggregate and train teams to participate in Robotics competitions nationally and internationally.

Our Center is in Vishnupuram Colony Poranki, near to Slate School. We have state of the art robotics kits from VEX, Aavishkar, Blix for all levels of students. We also have a 8 by 12 Robotics Arena in our center where students can test the robots that they have built.

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