The STEM Makers

Python Programming at The Stem Makers

What is programming?

Programming is a method for humans to communicate with machines and give it specific instructions. Coding is the process of writing computer programs which drive most things around us – machines, robots. mobile apps, digital games, websites and desktop software.
Python because of its syntactical simplicity allows kids to focus more on logic of the problem and algorithm with minimal focus on syntactical correctness.

Why programming for kids

Programming helps children learn to problem-solve
Understanding computers and learning the basics of coding helps children to develop an appreciation of how things work. It also teaches them how software engineers use math in order to solve problems in a logical and creative way.
When most parents start curating extracurriculars for their children, they start with the basics: soccer, dance, maybe band practice. Their first idea for entertaining their elementary-schooler probably doesn’t include programming. But should it?
In recent years, the question of why kids should learn to code has spread like wildfire among parenting groups and educational centers. Interest in computer science has skyrocketed in recent years; according to statistics shared in the 2019 State of Computer Science Education Equity and Diversity Report, a full 45 percent of high schools now teach computer science, up from the 25 percent reported by Gallup in 2014.
In our increasingly digital world, parents want their kids to become computer-literate — and why wouldn’t they? Learning to code doesn’t just set students up for career opportunities later on in life; it also provides a host of soft skills and benefits that we will cover later in this article. But when should they start learning?
As it turns out, most professional developers started learning their trade early in life. According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developers survey, over 54 percent of professional developers wrote their first line of code by the time they turned 16. While it might seem intuitive to schedule a child’s first coding lesson into their high school curriculum, kids can start coding at a much younger age, sometimes as early as four years old.

  • Coding boosts Problem solving skills
  • Coding improves computational thinking
  • Coding encourages persistence
  • Coding teaches creativity
  • Coding helps teach digital literacy
  • Coding is a career-building skill
  • Coding improves confidence and communication skills

It’s safe to say that coding is one of the most constructive hobbies for your child to adopt, especially since it can help them develop persistence, communication, creativity, and higher-order thinking.

Why Python Programming for Kids

Python because of its syntactical simplicity allows kids to focus more on logic of the problem and algorithm with minimal focus on syntactical correctness.

Python is an interpreted language whose programming constructs are simple one or two word english similar to spoken phrases and pseudocode.
Python because of its syntactical simplicity allows kids to focus more on logic of the problem and algorithm with minimal focus on syntactical correctness.
Python also has a community package index that has open-source modules for almost everything you might want to do, from cooking up a web application to writing code for an arduino device.
Python is a clear and concise language with an excellent built-in standard library. In large part due to PEP-8 (the Python style guide), Python code can generally be expected to be fairly consistent no matter who has written it. This makes working with legacy projects and code written by others a much more pleasant experience than it could be otherwise.
Python does some things amazingly well.

  • It’s easy to learn, so it’s great for people with non-tech backgrounds.
  • It’s emphasis on clarity and readability makes it fantastic for groups, and easy to maintain over time.
  • It’s mature enough that there are no glaring holes in its design.
  • By and large its community is active and helpful, and pythonistas generally have a pretty good reputation.
  • It’s versatile; you can do everything from web development to scientific modeling, and all of those things have well supported tools.
  • Python is fast to write. Because everything is so straight forward you can churn out an entire project in a weekend.

All in all Python is very user friendly, and a great option for people who aren’t programmers by vocation.

Python Programming classes at The Stem Makers

We offer online python programming classes for students in the age group 8 to 15 years. We have Python Basics and Advanced courses. The topics covered in each of these courses are below.
This course is for kids aged 10+ yrs and above. it is one hour class thrice a week. course starts on 5th may

Python Basics Course curriculum   

S.NOTopicNo. of Hours
1Number system, Installation 1
2Variables, basic mathematical operations, in command prompt 1
3Operators, command prompt 1
4Variables, basic character/string operations 1
Review, Evaluation 1
5Lists- Telephone directory 2
6Tuples 1
7Sets 2
8Dictionaries 2
Review, Evaluation 1
9Conditionals, Quiz 2
10Loops – Fibonacci series,Pattern display 2
Review, Evaluation 1
11Functions 2


Modules 2
Review, Evaluation 1
13Python date, time 1
14File Handling 2
15Classes and Objects 2
Final Evaluation 2

Python Advanced Course Curriculum

1Review – Number system, Installation 1
2Review – Variables, basic mathematical operations, in command prompt 1
3Review – Operators, command prompt 1
4Review – Variables, basic character/string operations 1
5Review – Lists 1
6Review – Tuples 1
7Review – Sets 1
8Review – Dictionaries 1
9Review – Conditionals 1
10Review – Loops 1
11Review – Functions 1
12Review – Modules 1
13List Comprehension 2
14One-line statements 1
15Python date, time 1
16Packages – math, cmath 1
17File Handling 2
18Global vs. Local Variables, Name spaces 1
19Classes and Objects 2
20Python Regular Expressions 1
21Project – Classroom management 4
22Project – Retail Billing 4
23Higher Order Functions 2
24Turtle package 2
25Pygame package 1
26Games using Pygame 2
27Statistics using Python 2
28Python type errors 1
29Exception handling 1
30Package Manager 1

Why Python?

Why Python for kids? 

Python is an interpreted language whose programming constructs are simple one or two word english similar to spoken phrases and pseudocode.  

Python because of its syntactical simplicity allows kids to focus more on logic of the problem and algorithm with minimal focus on syntactical correctness. 

Python also has a community package index that has open-source modules for almost everything you might want to do, from cooking up a web application to writing code for an arduino device. 
Python is a clear and concise language with an excellent built-in standard library. In large part due to PEP-8 (the Python style guide), Python code can generally be expected to be fairly consistent no matter who has written it. This makes working with legacy projects and code written by others a much more pleasant experience than it could be otherwise.

Python does some things amazingly well.

  • It’s easy to learn, so it’s great for people with non-tech backgrounds.
  • It’s emphasis on clarity and readability makes it fantastic for groups, and easy to maintain over time.
  • It’s mature enough that there are no glaring holes in its design.
  • By and large its community is active and helpful, and pythonistas generally have a pretty good reputation.
  • It’s versatile; you can do everything from web development to scientific modeling, and all of those things have well supported tools.
  • Python is fast to write. Because everything is so straight forward you can churn out an entire project in a weekend.

All in all Python is very user friendly, and a great option for people who aren’t programmers by vocation.

Python Advanced

Python Basics

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